Tegus Functions help you leverage Tegus data to build workflows and templates outside the context of a typical Tegus model. Access the most recent data points from models to build bespoke workflows like benchmarking workbooks or simplified looks at individual companies with an Excel Function. Contact us to get started today.
The most recent company reported data from any row in any model. Syntax: =TEGUS.CD(“<Ticker>“, “<Model Row Name>“, “<Period>“)
The last reported close price on the company’s primary exchange. Syntax: =TEGUS.P(“<Ticker>“)
The most recent daily average FX rate. Syntax: =TEGUS.FX(“<Base Currency>“, “<Quote Currency>”)
Supplementary company data to supplement your data. Syntax: =TEGUS.MD(“<Ticker>“, “<Metadata Code>”, “[Period]”, “[Model Row Name]”,)